assalamualaikum warahmatullah
selamat petang of coz...well..this evening...i felt like kosong..ada msa...and it is my 'rest-well' time i guess...n i have no idea what im talking lah...yea..
anyway..while im making 'air jus kurma' thinking tht everyone should know what i the meaning of TRUST....yea..i know smua orang kenal dari segi bahasa...what i mean is everyone should feel n use it very2 baik..yea..thts it... some relationship must know tht what is the real meaning of trust...n must keep it like FOREVER if you want to continue your relationship with her/him like a baws(smoothly)...
im saying tht...dont just say "i trust you" is not how to use the word trust actually...when you said "i trust you / i do / i already or several2"...u must to mean it...n prove it tht you are really2 trust him/her...seriously im telling you tht...if you main2 dgn prkataan ni hnya sekadar sebut n x least one of you from the relationship will feel very hurt...bad...
no seriously...there are many ways to show tht you trust him/her lah...
1. tell him/her everything about you n ur mak sure tht the person will understand you n didnt think negatively about you...cuz...when u didnt tell him/her the truth...mmg trasa sgt2..cuz u only using the word 'trust' hnya sbb kata2 sahaja..
2. you have to show tht u care about him/her in menjaga hbungan...jgn slh sorg shaja yg mnjaga hbungan dgn me..its hard to keep the relationship me...i know....k
3. always ask the person yg selalu gunanya mcm "ok ke ni?"....yea...when you ask this question to someone...hey will feel tht you..ap nim...erm..mcm trjaga la...mcm rsa di-caringkn..yea...lbih kurang..
4. find a way to get out fom the problem through telling him/her ur prob...seriously...if u're not ckp kt dy,,,kmgkinan dy akn brfkir bkn2 n mmpu mnimbulkn another issue...n mgkin akn beratkn lg hbungan korang...(i guess)...especially lelaki...some guys out there might looks normal bila korang x ckp the truth/prob korang kt dy....he will think sgt2...n smpai out of the box...seriously...lelaki mcm tu...slalu brfkir ntah ap2...think tht he's nothing to her...think tht he's not important for her...dy disisihkn...yg hnya mmpu buat..pendam...smpai bila korang akn fham klu duk asyik main kata2 sahaja..dont be a stupid person tht hurt someone's feelings...seriousy ni nk tegaskn...k..maaf klu trkasar kata
lastly 5. keep trust him/her n mean it.jgn sekadar sebut "i trust you"...jangan...k..plzz jgn...u have to mean it sriously....n keep it safely...mcm jupi...i will feel down klu this person la ckp "i trust you" n hnya skadar ckp2 get me wrong....jpi bkn tuju kt Suu..yea..i know suu mksudknnya...n cuba jaga trust jst giving you an example about my stupid feelings..k..
well...i think thts all for today..rmember...dont just used it....mean it...k...dont be a person tht just give a stupid harapan kt ssorng hnya mnggunakn kata2 sahaja..k
assalamualaikum...xjwb brdosa...jwb sayangg...