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Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Person

'a'uzubillah hissami'inalaihi miminash shaitho nirrajeem minhamzihi wanafkhi wanafsih
bissmillah hirrahman nirrahim
assamualaikum warahmatullah
(peace upon to you)

selamat malam..hey..well..if we look @ the time...it just wow...kul 1 pagi...i dunno why i cant sleep..maybe bnyk brfkir...MUNGKIN...she has a prob n she dont wanna tell me..n aq hnya berdiam diri mcm something tht cant be useful..a.k.a STUPIDO SILENTO...aq actually nk sangat tahu msalah dia spaya aq x jd salah faham ttg dy...seriously...dh dy x nk crita..nk buat mcm mna la kan...bersangka baik je la...tu yg mmpu...n hopefully the thing gets better n better la..aq pun satu hal...dh tau yg dy x nk crita...aq still p paksa dy..aiyooo...WHATS WRONG WITH MY STUPID ATITUDE!!!???...aq pun x hau nk ckp mcm mna..

sometimes..we wanna be the kind/best person to someone tht we care/love/like/n several2..tapi kdg2 kita rsa mcm kita ni x dhargai...sometimes la...n bg pndapat aq la..sbb aq rsa mcm tu la kot ttg diri aq nim...

kdg2 aq trpikiq sat..."did she care about me?....did she know my feelings?...." and most importantly "DID SHE ACCEPT ME OR NOT?"...aq sbnrnya x kisah klau dy terima aq ke x...aq cuma nk dy gembira la kot...n aq x kesah dy pilih org lain...sbb aq ni bkn la org yg hebat utk dy...aq bkn la org yg TERBAIK utk suuu...kita x leh nak pasti kan(tiba2)...blurrrrrrrrrrrrrr~~.....aq bkn ap...mmg la goal aq '10years aku akan tnggu suuu'...tapi x hau lg la kan...maybe dlm msa 10years tu...suuu akn jmpa dgn org lain...x pun...x smpai 10years...org dh meminang suu...tu kita x hau lg la kan...memang la jodoh dtgn Allah...tapi aq x pasti lg yang suu tu jodoh aq..yg hnya aq mmpu..berdoa je kot...senjata utama aq...

yang aq tau...hati aq simpan utk suu...n aq x hau suu simpan hati dy utk sape...welp...xhau la tu...erm...but the end of it...aq simpan hati aq hnya utk suu..thts all...blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~~...

10years tu lama...god for sake..mmg down siot la kot bila fkir psl 10years tu...especially fkir ttg lepasan SPM...aq still igt lg kata2 suu.."lps SPM...smua org tuju ke jalan masing2..kita x tentu lg leh brjumpa ke x"...since tht night...hati aq down gila(maaf sbb bhasa kasar) sgt2 la kot...i know tht dy ckp mcm tu sbb dy x nk hati aq sakit sbb brharap kt dy...but still...aq msih brharap kt suuu...thts it...

kdg2 aq fkir...adakah semua ini main2???...adakah aq dpermainkan oleh suu??...(start mikir negatif dhhh!!!)..aq rsa suuu x main2...i know tht suuu person jnis ikhlas...she will never main2 dgn org...dy ckp gitu2 sbb x nak bg perasaan aq saket sbb dy...bkn sbb nk main2 ngan aq..i know tht...

aq x hau ap akn trjdi lps SPM nim...hajat aq..lps SPM...i wanted to go to her house...soo i can still connect with her...maybe FOREVER...i wanna know more about suu..aq tkt aq ngan suuu berpisah or something like tht...kita p universiti yg berbeza...n aq tkt dy jmpa a guy kt sna...n BOOOMM!!...she love tht guy...ouhhh i hate tht  situation...n thts y...i wanna be with her...i dont want to go to diffrent university with her..i wanna to be always connect to her..nk sgt2...tp smua ni Allah yang tentukan..n rite now..aq prlu study elok2 soo aq leh staraf dgn suu..n ikut suu p mana2 universiti...n blajar skali dgn suu...hoping soo much...okay

aq rasa suu x hau yang aq tnggu suuu selama 10years soo aq akn brsama dgn suu..foreva...ececece...prkataan...atau dgn kata lain...i want to marry suuuuu...(gila kan bila aq ckp gitu)...but really..tu mksud penungguan aq selama 10 tahun utk suu..tu pun  kalau suu jodoh aq

sometimes..aq rasa..suuu x hargai aq..ya Allah...aq sdih sgt la kot...hnya Allah je tahu ksedihan aq...aq tau je suuu x ad msa nk fkir ttg hbungan ZULFFY dan SUUU...all she think is about study...study...study...n berjaya dlm hdup...she didnt care about CAPPUCCINO'S relationship....dy x kisah pun klu hbungan CAPPUCCINO rosak....(i think soo laa..sbb i just felt tht way)....thts y aq down siot....bila keadaan x elok la kan...aq berdebar2 la kot..tkt hbungan CAPPUCCINO is over....tkt sgt2...it just like THE END OF THE WORLD....tp dy??..hnya Allah je tahu..

aq rsa aq dh lbih2 dh ni...haduii...stres banget sikk...xpe lah...maybe thts all utk mlm ni kot...cuz dh nk msuk kul 2 dh ni...aq stop dlu la yea...

hoping tht suuu x akn tinggal aq...n aq x akn buat mistake yg mrosakkan hbungan aq dgn suuu...hrp sgt2...n hopefully tht my goal...really2 happen...in sha Allah..tu pun kalau aq dan suuuu prihatin sgt2 ttg hbungan kami...in sha Allah...n jgnlah ada org yang ketiga dalam hbungan cappuccino niii..haduii....

kalau aq tau yang suuu ada org lain...i takes a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time for me utk lupakn segala2nya...seriously...harapan aq berada pada suhaizah ajeera...thts all....okay...selamat malam...la'ila sa'edah...

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